James Yeager – yes, THE James Yeager – does a short but awesome review of the 299 Days book series. Hint: He really likes it. And you’ll find out what his favorite flavor of PopTarts is. For real.
Radio Free Redoubt mentions upcoming 299 Days joint interview with Stewart Rhodes (President of Oath Keepers)
Radio Free Redoubt, which is a fabulous podcast you should listen to, mentioned an upcoming joint interview with me and (one of my heroes) Stewart Rhodes, president of Oath Keepers. The interview will be up in early August, which will be after the July 27 event that both Stewart and I will be at. Here is the link to the RFR episode; the mention starts at 31:00 and goes to 35:30. You should subscribe to Radio Free Redoubt on iTunes.
PS: This is how I’ll act when I get to talk to Stewart Rhodes (I’m Chris Farley).
Patriot of the week (July 3, 2013)
A great interview on the Practical Defense Podcast.
A great interview on the Practical Defense Podcast. The host, Alex Haddox, is a very serious and credentialed personal defense instructor and author. He brings a great perspective to the interview. He also assesses how I performed a few days ago when I had to pull a gun on a dude. Find out how I did.