A good friend of mine, and prepper chick deluxe, has some nice lots in rural western Washington and wants to sell them to fellow preppers. It would be like Pierce Point. (I don’t make any money on this.)
Here’s how she describes the property:
The Valley Lake community is a prepper’s paradise. Located 30 minutes outside of Olympia, Washington, Valley Lake properties are nestled in the easily defensible Skookumchuck Valley, which backs up to a resevoir and tens of thousands of acres of undevelopable forest land. Flanking the lake on both sides are tens of thousands of acres more of undevelopable hillside forestland, teeming with elk, deer and blackberries. The Valley Lake is stocked with trophy-size bass and trout, and just across the road is the Skookumchuck River, a fisherman’s dream for catching salmon, trout and steelhead.
Valley Lake is approximately 115 acres and between 30-50 feet deep, with crystal blue water so clean and clear you can see the bottom when flying overhead. Bald eagles soaring above and diving to grab fish from the lake are a common sight. The properties available around the lake comprise about 200 acres, which was parced into just a handful of lots. Lot sizes available range from 7 acres to 80 acres, and all properties are low-bank, lake-front. All lots have easy access to the tens of thousands of acres of forestland.
The town of Tenino is a few miles away. The quaint and friendly small town has everything needed to live conveniently…schools, a pharmacy, bank, post office, a small grocery store, one gas station, four local restaurants and a Subway sandwich shop, one bar and of course, this being western Washington State, three espresso stands. Drive beyond Tenino city limits into the Skookumchuck Valley and you’ll find rural living at its best and most honest. We’re a conservative, tight-knit community of people who dislike big government and love the country life of raising livestock, riding horses, farming and hunting. We’re not technically preppers…shooting guns, riding quads and hunting/growing/canning our food is our way of life. We help each other and are not dependent on government to survive.
Whether you’re looking to live full-time in a small, rural community on a beautiful lake, want a lake-front vacation getaway from the rat race, or need a bug out location that is far removed from the urban corridor, the Valley Lake will fit your needs. Our goal is to sell what limited properties we have to like-minded folks who appreciate country living.
Email eshannon999@scattercreek.com for more information.