The super cool guys at Lone Wolf Distributors, who are members of the Cool Friends Project, are making 299 Days end plates for Glocks. Trick out your Glock and show the world you’re a 299er with an end plate.

Go to this page on the Lone Wolf web page and order a “Custom” end plate (or lots of them). In the comments field, put in “299 Days” and then the name of the individual end plate(s) you’d like. They are called:
- “I miss America”
- 17th Irregulars
- 299 Days logo
(Admit it: You want all three. They make great gifts for your team. Who shoot Glocks… of course.)
Then put them on your Glock, take a picture, and send it in to me and I’ll put it up on Facebook.
Rock out with your Glock out, as Wes always says.